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The Sitio's Description

The sitio was small in size, yet it was densely populated. The narrow roads and tightly packed houses created numerous challenges, especially in dealing with issues like flooding, which poses a significant threat due to the close proximity of the houses. Additionally, the community grapples with drug abuse, a problem exacerbated by the compact arrangement of the houses, making it easier for illicit activities like drug trafficking to occur. Even in the face of challenges, the residents demonstrate a robust commitment. Through their collective endeavors and shared resolve, they successfully confront environmental threats, attend to social issues, and provide support to one another during crises. The community's resilience is evident in their steadfast dedication to overcoming adversity.


Summary of the Info Gathered


She was a reserved individual, yet she exuded a joyful demeanor when interacting with us, despite having endured a challenging childhood. Her parents passed away when she was just 11, and she was subsequently raised by her aunt. Unfortunately, she faced mistreatment from her own cousins. Despite these hardships, she managed to complete high school. Later in life, she moved to Cebu to start a new chapter with her husband. Currently, she is a dedicated housewife and a mother of five. Through her experiences, she imparted the valuable lesson of enduring and overcoming challenges to us.

Integrating the Experience with the Lessons in Philo 01:

Our Experiences being conected to our philo 01 lesson: This emphasizes the significance of comprehending each other and recognizing the shared human experience. These encounters have left a lasting impact on us as students, providing insights into the diverse lifestyles we each lead and fostering a greater appreciation for what we currently have. it helps us understand each other, learn from each other's experiences. Applying the principles we've gleaned from philosophy, her relocation from Leyte to Cebu necessitated an adaptation to fresh changes and the distinct norms and values of a different society. She faced the challenge of adjusting to new cultural dynamics, modes of socialization, and social roles, compelling her to adapt to a multitude of factors.


Engaging in the immersion activity has deeply resonated with me, prompting reflections on societal inequalities and my own privilege. This experience heightened my sensitivity to the suffering of others and solidified my resolve to be an agent of positive change, leveraging my voice and resources to uplift the most vulnerable. Recognizing the responsibility that comes with privilege, I am committed to actively working towards a more just and compassionate world.

- Vicenzo Matteo Pescante(Graphic Designer)


Hearing about the conditions of our participant's life helped me understand more about how life is really different to us all. It has made me grateful of where I am now, and more sensitive to the conditions of others. I was specifically impacted when she stressed the fact of loving and caring for your parents, because we all do not know when they will be gone. They have worked so hard for our success, and although we cannot fully repay it to them, we must at least try. This parish activity has truly been helpful for expanding my perspective on life.

- Nathan Miles Rasines(Project Manager)


The parish activity really opened my eyes to how different life can be for everyone. Hearing about the struggles our participants face made me appreciate where I'm at and hit home when they talked about loving and caring for our parents because you never know when they'll be gone. It made me realize the hard work they've put in for our success, and even though we can't fully repay them, we should at least try. This experience made me more aware of others' challenges and more grateful for what I have, shifting my perspective on life in a pretty big way.

- John Sivere Robillos(Usability Tester)


Participating in the parish activity has been a real game-changer, offering me fresh insights into the diverse realities of life. Listening to the stories of our participants not only made me more thankful for my own circumstances but also drove home the importance of cherishing our relationships, especially with our parents. The idea that we never know when they might not be around anymore really struck a chord. It's a reminder of the sacrifices they've made for our success, and even though we can't fully repay them, making an effort matters. This experience heightened my awareness of the hurdles others face and deepened my gratitude for what I have, reshaping my perspective on life in a significant way.

- Hercules Cynzer Gonato(Content Developer)

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